First comes love, then comes marriage (finally, 9 years later!), then comes a blog. That's how it goes, right?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

T Minus 10 Days.

With only 10 days left until the wedding I am feeling more distracted than ever. I have 2 more days of work and I don't know how I'm going to focus at all! My manager actually assigned me to work a project all week that doesn't exactly require a lot of brainpower speficially because she knew I would have the dreaded Wedding Brain. On top of that, the office I work in is currently in the middle of a big move - the last day in this office is actually Friday and on Monday everyone will be in the new building. I, however, will not be in the building until 2 weeks now when I return from my vacation! Hopefully by then I will be refreshed and ready for what I'm hoping to treat as a new start.

AND OH YEAH BY THE WAY I'LL BE MARRIED. Aaaah! This year marks our 7 year anniversary and I can't believe that we are FINALLY getting married. If only my 17-year-old self could see us now. I'd tell her not to worry, that it would all work out. She would get the guy. And I mean really, REALLY get the guy. Lucky her. <3

I feel pretty lucky to have had a fiance who was so involved through this whole process. I was never the girl who planned her wedding as a kid and then just fit the groom somewhere into it - our wedding is very reflective of us as a couple - he's been involved in practically every decision, excluding my attire. While it has been annoying at times to have ideas shot down, I truly feel that is better than just planning the whole thing myself and having the groom just show up, and I also feel like it is pretty indicative of our relationship in general, which has truly been a partnership through and through. I know that I will never be alone in anything as long as he is with me, and that makes the world a lot easier to face on bad days, which we are all bound to have. It's just reassuring to know that I have an unwavering companion, and I'm exceedingly greatful that the way in which we went about the planning of our wedding reflects that solid foundation.

Tonight we have one last meeting with the venue - they hold an Open House on Wednesday nights and tonight set it up to reflect the layout for our event and just go over a few last minute details. Everything is so close now and you would think that meant that we could just relax, but there's so much more to do than I could have ever imagined in the week prior to the wedding. I'm not complaining, but I am a little bit tired! It's alright though, I'll at least be able to sleep in next week, which I need to take advantage of because I probably won't sleep a wink the night before!

Apart from the wedding, I'm also very excited to see friends and family from out of state (and country, even!). I'm hoping that I have enough time to meet up with everyone in the week prior but there's only one of me, so I can't make any promises, unfortunately. I'm just very antsy and giddy - I'm a big ball of excitement and nerves right now, I hope my friends and coworkers don't find me unbearable! This is exactly why I started a blog, so I could get it all out somewhere!

Speaking things nobody else finds as interesting as I do, I finished up 1/2 of our favors last night (and I have the resulting backache to prove it!), so here are some photos of the process!

I didn't take a picture of the package, but these came flat and I folded them all.

Popcorn that matches our color scheme - how could I resist?!

Don't worry, we've included popping instructions. :)

Ready to be ribbon-ed!

Sooo many ribbon curls. I think my scissors need to be sharpened.

The Mostly-Final product!

There's another little piece that's not included in these pictures because it doesn't get attached to the box - it's basically just popping instructions and a little note from Clinton and I, but it's on a really cute (theme-related) background, so that instantly makes it adorable... yes, adorable. Don't argue with me, I'm the bride. =P


  1. That's so sweet about going back in time and telling your 17-year-old self things would work out! :D I'm so happy for you: 9 days!! YAY! Also, I LOVE that you found color-scheme-matching popcorn! The favors look great!

  2. Aw, thanks! I was so afraid we would never even get together and now look at us! *happy dance*
    ha, you shoulda seen my face when I spotted that popcorn, and on clearance no less! I must have looked like a crazy person with a basket full of multi-color kernels haha!
