First comes love, then comes marriage (finally, 9 years later!), then comes a blog. That's how it goes, right?

Monday, September 10, 2012

A Post in Two Parts

This will be a two-part post, simply because I am posting about two things that have nothing to do with one another.

Part One:
Here's something extremely unexciting, but I love it anyway. After hours of scouring the internet, I found several pictures with film strips incorporated and then used some random program to put the words on. I don't know, I'd like to think that most people are smart enough to figure stuff out without needing signs, but it's a great way to add little touches of the theme. This won't be explanation-heavy, the pictures are pretty straightforward.

Very exciting, I know. You've never seen such exciting table signs. Please, please, try to keep yourselves under control!

Part Two:
Bridal Shower Weekend! This Saturday I had a bridal shower hosted by my awesome bridesmaids, Tori and Krystal. There were silly games, slightly embarrassing presents, delicious food, and tons of flowers. It was lovely!

Some photos of the decor:


Flower arrangements.

Some guests:

With my sisters, niece, aunt, and step-mom.

Playing a game where they had to draw a dress with their eyes closed.

With my bridesmaids!

Future mother-in-law.

 And of course there was present-opening!

New bikini for the honeymoon!

Opening presents!

Here's something funny. We played one game where I had to answer a whole bunch of questions about Clinton - if I got one wrong, I had to put a piece of Bubblicious bubble gum in my mouth. I got 3 wrong - but one of them was a trick question haha! Anyway, Tori was taking pictures and captured THE BEST picture of the day. It is a terribly unattractive shot of me, but it cracks me up because it is so indicative of how I was feeling.

"Please, no more gum!"

After the shower was over, I gave my bridesmaids some hostess gifts I had put together - sort of a "do something for yourself" kit, since they've done so much for me. It included a personalized robe, chocolate bar, candle, and thank-you card.

 After that, Tori and Krystal took me out for dinner at BJ's and then we spent the night at a resort relaxing, drinking champagne, swimming, and doing something ridiculously girly - mud masks! There was also fondue and plenty of gossip. It was an amazing way to wind down after the long day and all of the work they put into it.

View from our balcony.

Sunset on the way to dinner.

Balsamic glazed chicken? I'm all in.

Champagne and fondue!


And after!
Breakfast - leftover fruit from the fondue and watermelon, prickly pear and mint juice!

Haha! Don't be jealous of how beautiful my clay-covered face is - I know it's pretty intense. =P It was a really great time!

I also had took this Monday off, so today I did something else exciting - went to my first dress fitting! My dress fit me perfectly so it didn't have to be altered at all, really (didn't even need a hem, awesome! I couldn't bear the thought of my beautiful dress getting cut up!) - just needed a bustle put in and to be steamed! I felt like I was in a movie standing up on that pedestal with the woman pinning up my dress for the bustle. I just kept looking at myself thinking how pretty my dress was and wishing I could wear it all the time! I told my step-mom that someday Clint is going to come home to find me vacuuming wearing my gown lol. Such a shame that I only get to wear it for one day! Anyway, after that was done I decided to take a day for myself to do a little retail therapy - I got a ton of gift cards at my shower, so I went and bought a bunch of stuff from Victoria's Secret and Target! New dresses for my honeymoon and of course some slinky stuff. It was really nice actually - I enjoyed the alone time and I haven't been able to buy myself anything in forever because of the wedding budget, so that was pretty sweet! Unfortunately I have to go back to work tomorrow, BUT I only have 13.5 working days left until my 2 weeks off for the wedding! WHOO!


  1. I like your signs! They are pretty creative :) aww I also love the pictures of your bridal shower. Looks like a lot of fun!

  2. Thank you so much! I love the way the signs look, and I had a great time at my shower. :)

  3. New follower from Weddingbee (psst...if you added the "follow with Google Friend Connect" widget, it would be easier for people to follow: someone on weddingbee gave me that tip, but I'll manually follow you because I want to hear more): you're SO close, yay! Your shower looks like so much fun and I love those DIY hostess kits! Also, all your film-inspired signs are awesome!!

  4. Oh awesome, thank you for letting me know, I will do that right now! :)
