First comes love, then comes marriage (finally, 9 years later!), then comes a blog. That's how it goes, right?

Thursday, July 18, 2013


I recently had a successful shopping excursion and figured it might be the teensiest bit blog-worthy. I know it's not for everyone, but I'm a sucker for good deals and always have to brag a little when I get one - or in this case, three!

I've been doing a lot of crafting lately and I realized that I was out of pretty cardstock, but I needed some more to finish up one last project, so I decided to head on over to Hobby Lobby, which is basically my 2nd home - ha!

I headed on over to the scrapbooking area because even though I don't scrapbook, most of the stuff I do is considered "papercrafting" so that's where I usually stock up on most of my supplies. And then, something marvelous happened. All scrapbooking paper books were 50% off! I never ever EVER buy those books because they are $19.99 and as much as I love pretty paper, I just cannot justify dropping a twenty dollar bill on it. I had only intended to pick up about 5 sheets but at only $10, I just couldn't resist this book.

Once I got home I was able to finish up my last project, and I still have about 170 pages to spare for future projects - whoo-hoo! I know, I know, I am way too excited about paper... hey, I never claimed to be cool!

After that, I had the shopping bug and decided that while I was out, I might as well go and see if I could find a cute new dress to wear to a party this weekend. More success! I found a cute, summery dress AND some adorable little brown flats to pair it with for under $30 total! Sa-weet!!

I came home all excited and had to share with my husband the steals that I got. He was not nearly as excited as I was, but I'm just going to pretend that's because he was busy playing Call of Duty. Yes, I'm sure that was the reason his eyes started glazing over as I went on and on and on about my pretty paper...

Folks, denial is not just a river in Africa.

So, how about you? Have you scored any fabulous deals lately? I'd love to hear about them!


  1. I love that dress! I can't wait to see how it looks on you. :)

    The main shopping I do is food shopping, so the fabulous deals I get are when my favorite bread is buy one get one free, ha ha!

    1. lol I still get excited by good deals at the grocery store.

      And whenever I shop for clothes, I hardly ever buy anything full price!

  2. Designer paper, huh? Girl, you fancy. ;)

    Haven't scored any deals recently but mostly because I've put myself on a frivolous spending freeze, sort of. ( Womp womp. But damn, I love a good deal, even if it's just BOGO bread! Saving money is something to get stoked about!
