First comes love, then comes marriage (finally, 9 years later!), then comes a blog. That's how it goes, right?

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Day 10 - Public Praise

Hello, ladies and gents. Today's post will be a slight change of pace from my typical ambling ramblings. This year for my Clinton, I am doing the Twelve Days of Christmas. We are on Day 10, and today's gift is Public Praise - 10 Things I Love About My Husband. Let's just jump right in to this sapfest, shall we?

1) His Sense of Humor
Clinton is hilarious. He is a major goofball. He makes me laugh all of the time without even trying. He makes me laugh even when I'm trying to be mad. It's not some kind of weird goofiness that only appeals to me, either - he makes everyone laugh! It is nearly impossible to be in a bad mood around him, because he is the master of cheering people up. Seriously - look at this face.

Can't stay mad!

Not even if you try.
Love my goofball!

2) His Style
Know what I like? A man who's not afraid of patterns. And my man is not afraid of patterns.

He also has more than 2 pairs of shoes which is more than I can say for a lot of men I know. And he even likes accessories. Boy can put an outfit together. Mmm-mmm! I can also count on him to help me decide what to wear. I'm never afraid that if I ask him which thing looks better he's just going to go, "uhh, that one honey, whatever you say". I actually trust his judgement, so that's fun!

3) He's a Foodie!
He likes to cook, and will eat anything! I am so glad that I didn't end up with a plain old meat-and-potatoes-no-greens-ever kinda guy. I love cooking and trying new recipes, and I love that he will try literally anything I make. I love that it's not just something he does because he knows I like it - he actually liked cooking before he ever met me. I probably have his mom to thank for a little bit of that! I love that he finds and wants to try recipes on his own. I love that when he cooks for me, he tries to make the plating look pretty. I love that we both enjoy watching the Food Network and seeking out the restaurants of some of our favorite chefs. Some of my favorite times with him are when we cook together. We didn't used to do it often because our old kitchen was so tiny, but now that we have a bigger one we've been cooking together more and it's nice! There might be nothing cuter than feeding your spouse a bite of whatever you're cooking with in between stirring and chopping. And kitchen kisses. Kitchen kisses are adorable.

Eating at Distrito - Chef Jose Garces' restaurant in Scottsdale, AZ.

Together at MESA Grill (our favorite restaurant) - Iron Chef Bobby Flay's restaurant in Las Vegas, NV.

I made this for dinner one night and he dove right in. Not something you can count on every guy to do!

That's my husband's hand holding that fresh made pasta!

4) Our Shared Interests
Movies, hiking, cooking, UFC/MMA, music, family BBQs! The things that I love to do, he loves to do too. I love that we don't have to force our interests on each other. There are, of course, things that we enjoy doing w/out each other too, but it's good to have these common interests so that every time we do something together, it's not something the other one loves exclusively.

Together at a UFC Expo in Las Vegas, NV.

Together at UFC 104 in Los Angeles, CA.

Rise Against concert in Tempe, AZ.

All American Rejects concert in Tempe, AZ.

Pre-screening of 'The Campaign' in Phoenix, AZ.

After a day of hiking/exploring Montezuma Castle, Montezuma Well, and Tuzigoot.

Together on one of our yearly baseball trips.

5) His Butt
It is cute.

6) His Unwavering Kindness
He is literally the nicest person I know. Sometimes I think I am not a super nice person. I am grumpy and can get judge-y sometimes and I'm not always the best at being positive. I'm a better person because of him - I've slowly tried to become a nicer person so that he can be with the type of girl he deserves. When I get grumpy and negative, I have him there to point out the good things to me - even when they're not the things I want to hear, they're the things I need to hear. He's also incredibly giving, selfless, and so sweet. He would do anything anything for anyone, seriously. He is always thinking of others, and how he can make other people's lives better.

7) Big Softie.
He is a romantic. He might tell you otherwise, but he totally is. I can prove it!

I wasn't the only one who cried ALL DAMN DAY on our wedding day!

8) His Family Matters.
I could not possibly have asked for a better person to start a family with. I have 5 sisters, 2 brothers, 4 brothers-in-law, 2 sets of parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles, and thirteen nieces and nephews. He made an effort early on to learn everyone's names (long before meeting them all) so he could follow my stories. He got along with all of my family instantly (not surprising - everyone who meets him loves him!) and actually tried.
He never played the part of the boyfriend who sits in the corner and only talks football. He engages everyone all of the time and talks to all of my sisters/brothers/parents/nieces and nephews individually and knows their personalities, what they like, what they don't like, and how to talk to them. Every time we are around them, he plays with all of my nieces. Just recently at my nephew's birthday party he played 'Mother May I' with 3 of them. He lets them jump all over him and laughs while it happens. He lets them decorate him with tinsel. He plays video games and basketball and football with my nephews and lets them talk to him about girls. My youngest brother (who is not really that young anymore) couldn't wait for us to get married so that he could officially call Clinton his big brother.
He is very family-oriented. We see both our families often. He's very close with his mother and his father. He is so respectful of his mom, it is adorable. His dad is one of his best friends and he spends time with him often. He is always making sure that his brother and sister and his niece are doing alright.
I've never had to worry about either one of us going "uggghhh, not the in-laws!" because we both get along with each other's families so well, and I know that his personality is a big part of that.

9) He Accepts Me
Nobody knows me like he does. When I get to be in a bad mood, he knows that I am probably just hungry or tired (yes, I am a big baby) and laughs and says we need to get me some lunch. He can tell when I'm upset or sick even before I can a lot of times, and he knows what I need (and what I don't need) when I'm not feeling well. He always knows what I want or need, even when I don't have the foresight to ask for it. He has seen me at my best, but he has also seen me at my worst. I am feisty and tempermental and stubborn and I probably don't deserv him, but he loves me in spite of myself. He loves me when I'm good, and he manages to still love me when I'm bad. We should all be so lucky.

10) He is My Rock
There is nothing so important in this life as having a solid support system. I am blessed enough to have many supportive friends and family members to count on. I am even more blessed in that I have a partner for life that will always support me, no matter what. He has my back 100% in anything that I do. When I doubt myself, he encourages me and gives me the confidence boost I need. I will never feel alone for as long as I have him. He is steadfast and strong and I am incredibly proud to call him mine.


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